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The Clearing

About Our Transformative Addiction Recovery Program

“[Addiction] counselors with little education and less oversight are using outdated and sometimes harmful techniques... there are no national standards for credentialing or training addiction counselors...  "

 - TIME magazine article: Q&A: What Really Goes on In Drug Rehabs

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5 Reasons Our Programs Don't Work for Everyone

Did you know that here at The Clearing we end up working with less than 50% of all the people with speak with?

But for those we do work with, we help them transform their lives. Our success rate exceeds 80%.

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Graduation Day at The Clearing!


OK, this post is a little late but the energy is still flowing from that day and our graduates continue their momentum. Here are my thoughts on the culmination of our first session of 2015 - yet another amazing group!

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How We’re Different: Structured Addiction Recovery Program

We're starting something new this week - a weekly "how we're different" post. Each week, we'll highlight one of the ways The Clearing is different than other residential treatment centers. We want to make it easy for you to understand the differences as you go through your residential treatment research. If you'd like us to cover something specific, we'd love to hear from you. Just leave a comment below, call us, or drop us an email.

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Why We Teach Self Counseling Skills in Residential Rehab


What is self counseling? Why do you teach self counseling as part of your residential rehab program? We get these types of questions all the time and it’s a very important discussion, because it impacts staying on course after residential rehab has finished.

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Advantages of Going Through Residential Rehab as a Group

Traditional residential rehab centers for substance abuse, alcohol abuse, eating disorders or other addictions accept patients every single day of the week, which literally means people are entering and exiting these programs daily. Each patient is seen as an individual case, separate from others who are undergoing treatment at the same residential rehab center at the same time. Everyone is at a different stage in their recovery throughout their entire experience.

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