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Two Tools to Help You Evaluate if You're Ready for Residential Rehab

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Here are two free tools that will help you answer two important questions:

  1. Am I ready for residential rehab?
  2. How do I select a residential rehab that's right for me?

Is it Time for Residential Rehab?

is-it-time-for-residential-rehab"I don’t know how my substance use got to this point; it’s getting bad. Deep down I really want to get sober; I’m ready to start over.

It’s time to get help, I guess … but going to 12 Step groups didn’t work last time, so I want to do something different.

But what? How can I tell which addiction treatment program is right for me?

Plus, how do I even know for sure if I’m ready? I want to be ready ... is that enough?"

If those are the thoughts running through your mind right now, you may be considering residential rehab as an option.

Many people in recovery have been in the exact same spot you’re in now.

Like you, they wanted to get help, but they weren’t sure of whether or not they were truly ready for treatment.

Plus, they didn’t know how to find the kind of professional, effective support they needed in order to heal.

Nevertheless, they realized that they had to take control of their lives and begin their addiction recovery journey. A life of addiction just wasn’t an option anymore.

When the Price of Addiction is Too High

Perhaps the Eagles said it best in their classic song Lyin’ Eyes: “I guess every form of refuge has its price.”

You may already have realized that the price of your drug addiction is just too high. It’s costing you too much on every level, robbing you of your health, your relationships, and your well-being.

Coming to the conclusion that you’re ready to get sober and reclaim your life is a big deal, and it’s worth celebrating. But where do you go from there?

How do you know if you’re ready for a structured addiction treatment and recovery program? And how do you know what to look for in a program when there are thousands of different offerings out there?

Two Free Worksheets to Help You Make An Informed Decision on Rehab

To help you answer those questions for yourself, we created these two premium worksheets. They’re our free gift to you, and we hope that they empower to make the best possible choices to support your recovery.

These worksheets will walk you through the decision-making process step by step, providing both structured checklists to complete and prompts for personal reflection.

Am I Ready for Residential Rehab?



Unique and Effective Addiction Treatment Program

Interested in hearing more about The Clearing, which has an 80% success rate? The reason we have that result is simple: our structured non 12 step rehab gets down to the underlying core issues of addiction.

If you’re ready to heal fully, reach out to us today at 425-275-8600 for a confidential conversation.

Caroline McGraw

This post was written by Caroline McGraw

In addition to her work as "the voice of The Clearing", Caroline Garnet McGraw writes about trading perfectionism for possibility at A Wish Come Clear. Visit and receive your free Perfectionist Recovery Toolkit today!

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