The 12-step approach to drug and alcohol addiction treatment has been around for decades. Many people have overcome addiction using this method. However, some people may want a non-12 step recovery approach. How does recovery without 12 steps differ from the 12-step model? Moreover, can it help you?
12-Step vs. Non 12-Step Recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has long used the 12-step approach to recovery. In fact, participants admit to being powerless over their addiction and turn control over to a higher power. They recognize and freely admit to their moral defects.
However, recovery without 12 steps takes a different approach. In non 12-step programs, evidence-based treatments are widely used. Furthermore, participants are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their actions and to find internal motivations to overcome addiction.
While the 12-step model has remained largely unchanged, non 12-step programs adapt to incorporate new addiction research.
Recovery Without 12 Steps Is Possible
Despite the popularity of the 12-step model, not everyone wants to go that route toward recovery. Some people aren't comfortable with the religious aspect, while others may need the unique care of a dual diagnosis treatment plan. In addition, there tends to be less of a focus on individual treatment with 12-step plans.
Because recovery without 12 steps puts more of an emphasis on personal responsibility, you may feel empowered by finding your own motivations to change. Instead of turning over control to someone else, you recognize how your actions impact your recovery.
Both treatment models include individual and group counseling. However, a non 12-step model may include the clinical care you need, including professional psychological treatment. Specifically, non 12-step programs can be on the cutting edge of addiction treatment.
One drawback is that non 12-step programs aren't always easy to find. However, that's where The Clearing comes in.
Make a Positive Change — Starting Today
Are you looking for recovery without 12 steps? The Clearing is a residential addiction treatment facility in San Juan Island, Washington. Here, we offer you a chance to transform your life. We have an open and transparent admissions process, and our primary focus is getting to the root issues of your addiction in order to help you overcome it.
For example, our substance abuse programs include:
- Non 12-step rehab
- Medical detox
- Inpatient rehab
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Dual diagnosis treatment
We believe in using the principles of spiritual psychology as a way to heal. Our unique 28-day program includes over 100 hours of individual counseling. On our expansive 64-acre, secluded property, clients are able to fully focus on the process of recovery and becoming healthy.
If you or a loved one has been searching for quality addiction treatment, we can make a difference. Contact us today at 425-275-8600 to find out how to leave drug and alcohol dependency behind, for good.