How is your relationship with the Divine? For many this relationship has been neglected, severed, or never established. Have you ever wondered about the purpose of life? Is life a haphazard thing that happens at random? Is there nothingness upon death? For many who suffer from mood disorders or substance use issues, coming to terms with these questions can be a key. What then, should be the role of spirituality in treatment?
Do we die and that’s it? This subject is so charged people tend to avoid it. That is until we wake up in the middle of the night and start pondering our existence. Existential Psychology is founded on the belief that death is so anxiety-provoking it causes mental illness.
What if we talked about life and death? Is there a purpose to life or are we just here to create replacements for ourselves? Spiritual Psychology recognizes that we are "Spiritual Beings having a human experience."
The Health of the Soul
In the 1940s Dr. Carl Rogers foretold a psychological approach that would have the health of the “soul” as its main concern. Spiritual Psychology is that very approach. What is Spiritual Psychology? With this approach, issues are seen as opportunities for healing and growth. Suddenly life’s issues are seen as a blessing because in solving them we grow at our core.
With Spiritual Psychology, difficulties, mistakes, and bad habits that feel impossible to stop are seen as beneficial. Learning how to address them and heal is the real issue. Spiritual Psychology shows people how to heal.
When going through issues and problems on a daily basis, it can feel impossible to look at these problems as useful. The mere fact that an issue is not solved doesn’t mean it's bad, it just means it hasn’t been solved yet. There is hope. In Spiritual Psychology, love is seen as the ultimate healing force. “When love is applied to our hurt we heal”.
Two Different Paths
Spirituality in residential treatment has followed two different paths. The most subscribed path has been feeling a higher power will restore a person to sanity. This denies our native spiritual abilities and focuses our attention on a Higher Power to do the work for us. The other approach is more empowering. It entails working with Spirit to achieve a desired goal by taking the proper action steps together. Under this approach, Spirit meets us at our point of action.
More and more, the new face of residential treatment uses the Spiritual Psychology approach. It focuses on applying love to the hurt to heal, keeps one centered in the “here and now,” and helps one create an ideal future through “co-creation” techniques. We recognize that we are Spiritual Beings and that we have the ability to create the future of our dreams as we work hand-in-hand with Spirit. Why focus your energy on what you don’t want? Instead, you have the opportunity to focus on what you really want.
Science Proving Our Spiritual Nature
With the advent of quantum physics, science is now beginning to prove our spiritual nature. The movie and book “What the Bleep…” depicts how powerful we really are. If science is proving we have incredible abilities, why not put them to use?
We are very powerful beings. Let us show you how to harness this energy in order to not only heal but empower you.
About The Clearing
The Clearing is a residential treatment center located on beautiful San Juan Island, Washington. We created The Clearing in response to the pervasiveness of treatment centers that focus more on luxury than modern, evidence-based therapy.
Our approach is based on healing the underlying core issues that cause addiction. If you'd like to learn more, contact us, or download our free eBook: