Is there a mind body connection that helps in the rehab and recovery process? We absolutely believe so. Our minds are extraordinarily powerful and we are just learning how to tap into its potential. Depending upon how we focus our thoughts, we can actually create or destroy mood, outlook, and outcomes. When trained and used positively, the mind is the key ingredient and “secret sauce” for helping those in rehab and recovery overcome substance abuse, alcohol, and other addictions.
Many of us may have noticed that we don't feel good in down times, when we're likely having many negative thoughts. We're down, our energy tends to be low, we can be lethargic. After a while, possibly even get a cold or other illness. In fact, science has shown that whenever we have a negative thought, there is a physiological reaction that actually weakens the body, speeds up the aging process, and makes us vulnerable to illness. Further, your thoughts can actually affect your internal organs; everyone has experienced their blood pressure rising when considering a stressful or difficult situation. The antidote is positive thinking.
How the Mind Body Connection Works
When our thoughts are positive, the brain secretes neuropeptides that enhance the immune system, cause our organs to function optimally, and make us stronger. This process is very similar to the way we feel after exercise, when the body releases endorphins that improve our mood as well as our body. We feel better physically with these neuropeptides flowing through our system. When we feel better, we tend to have positive outlooks as well, which triggers additional neuropeptides. A nice virtuous circle.
Can You Control the Mind Body Connection?
The answer is: absolutely! At The Clearing, we show people simple, yet innovative ways of tapping into the power of the mind body connection to overcome addictions, depression and other debilitating conditions. Old, negative thinking patterns create disease and mental illness, where new patterns can tap into the mind’s unlimited power to heal.
The Dark Side of the Mind Body Connection
If left untreated, depression will begin to manifest as physical issues most often associated with the ears, nose, throat, thyroid and the upper digestive tract. In treating depression, we first assist the Participant in creating mini scenarios called "Intentions," "Affirmations" and "Ideal Scenes" they would like to experience in their life. These simple tools help the Participant counter the thousands of negative thoughts they experience each day. These negative thoughts subconsciously can have a serious impact on your physical health and life.
Next, we assist the Participant in exploring the underlying issues that cause the depression. With the issues identified, we work with them to release the judgments and illogical thinking patterns associated with the issues. With the Participant’s honest and authentic participation the process is phenomenally successful for those in rehab and recovery.
This may sound too good to be true, but we've seen this mind body connection work many times. You'll be astonished as you experience this amazing healing process taking place. Come join us and learn to tap into the power of the Mind, Body, Emotions, and Spirit for your own healing. Alter your life.
Image Source: Mind Body Wellness Center
About The Clearing
The Clearing is a residential treatment center located on beautiful San Juan Island, Washington. We created The Clearing in response to the pervasiveness of treatment centers that focus more on luxury than modern, evidence-based therapy.
Our approach is based on healing the underlying core issues that cause addiction. If you'd like to learn more, contact us, or download our free eBook: